
Blending it Up


Plant Enough to Share

Dear Gardening Editor:How do I keep the birds from eating all of the berries on my blueberry bushes? L.A. Jackson: Plant enough to share. L.A.

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In preschool, we learn about seasons by assigning some simple characteristics:Winter: Snow and snowmenSpring: Flowers and green grassSummer: Hot sun, thunderstorms and swimming poolsFall: Colorful

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The Summer of No Tomatoes

Have you ever experienced one of those times when something that’s really small, not a big deal at all in the overall scheme of life,

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Hidden Beauty Exposed

There are times when winter can really be depressing. Days on end of cloudy, gray skies. Darkness when you wake up in the morning and

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Gardening Goals

When Bill and I were newlyweds living in Greensboro, we were invited to supper at the home of a couple in our church who had

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Wild, Wonderful Nature

I knew it was just a common thistle, but I couldn’t help but start thinking it looked like some alien plant. Something that might grow

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Unexpected Teamwork

It’s hard to think of it as spring, as it seems almost this entire month of March has been filled with cold days, windy weather,

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