Blending it Up

My Juggling Act: Letting a Few Balls Drop
Parenting is a juggling act. Deciding which activities to prioritize, which arguments to intervene and which to let play out, and figuring out which parent

A Glimpse into the Freelance Life
On Wednesday, I spent most of my work time writing about cleaning two-sided grills. Yes, this project was about as boring as it sounds, but

Grow a Garden with Your Kids (and watch them eat salad!)
We’ve all seen the research and the articles touting the fact that kids will eat more vegetables if they take part in growing them. I’m

Learning to Just Say No
There are some things that come with age that might not be so exciting. I definitely feel sore after a day out in the garden,

Valentine’s Day Cookies
Why should sugar cookies only be made at Christmas? Sure, these melt-in-your mouth delights are associated with the holiday season, probably in part due to

What I’m Reading
Two things happened on Tuesday that made me think about books and reading. First, the kids and I went to Barnes & Noble to spend