I have a confession. I’ve never really been what you might call a big fan of sculpture. I see it. I know the famous pieces. But I never approached a sculpture and felt moved, like I do when I read a great poem, listen to a beautiful symphony, or look at a stunning painting.
And then, I saw this:

It is living at the Nasher Sculpture Center, which is mostly outdoors. The set up is fantastic, because you get to walk around a beautifully landscaped area where art is meticulously staged. I could appreciate the work that went into the set-up, and yet I still said “eh” to the sculptures. Until I walked up to the Squares with Two Circles sculpture by Barbara Hepworth. I don’t know what it was about it, but I actually felt emotions welling up inside me.
That is what art does. It speaks to you in ways that mere words can’t express. It communicates feelings of the artist, and sparks feelings in the person experiencing the art.
And everyone should be able to experience that.
Ever since my visit to the Dallas Arts District in February, I’ve been a little more aware of the art that’s all around us, and appreciative of ways people make art accessible, to everyone.
At the Impressionist exhibit at the Dallas Museum of Art, there were a few paintings that had Braille interpretations of the art as well as the author’s biographical information. It was fascinating.

On the left is one of Monet’s many water lilly paintings,
and on the right is the Braille version with a description.
In early March I was lucky enough to be able to attend Six the Musical at the Tanger Center with Caroline, and down beside the stage there were two people doing sign language of the whole show. Watching them was a performance in and of itself.
All of this has me appreciating the different ways artists and the community that supports the arts works to make art accessible. Whether it’s Braille, sign language, or something as simple as putting sculpture in public places or having free admission days at art museums, it allows art to reach even more people. And that is important.
Art is made to be shared.